Friday, January 16, 2009

Once More into the Breach, Dear Friends, Once More!

Hello! I write bearing much news! As it happens, I am not done with pool after all! Out a stroke of luck (or born out of a curse, depending on which teammate you talk to) we've were drawn as the 'wild card' team to attend the playoffs! The playoffs will be held next Wednesday night, and depending on how we do there, then perhaps we'll be done. We'll see. :) I hope so, though, since I promised my brother in law that I'd learn how to kayak with him that following Wednesday.

I also have news concerning my job. My first three days went very well. Rather smoothly, in my humble opinion. They threw me into a few things I wasn't quite ready for (i.e. answering phone call on my first day, and 'explaining' the legal paperwork to new clients (even though I had yet to read through said paperwork)), but over all I think that experience will help me out next week when I'm on my own. Although I did manage to get a little bit of work done, the bulk of my work week was spent taking instruction. I had a great mentor to learn from, though, and he'll be around for the afternoons next week just in case I have problems. Everything is moving SO fast, and I feel like I have so much information to sustain, but I am ultimately very excited about this job. It's one that I will pride myself in once I have learned all the intricate details of the legal process... lol, which might take a while.

Speaking of legalities! This job has its interesting side! I've learned about all kinds of rules, procedures, mandatory documentation and the like relating to the legal process associated with Personal Injuries (which is usually associated with car accidents). In a few months, I'll be a walking almanac of PI legal proceedings. And I find that rather cool.

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