Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rain? Still? Is This Seattle?

I apologize for not posting about the M&S concert sooner. It was a blow-your-socks-off experience that took a while for me to process. :) The venue was a bit crowded, but to be honest, but I think that's because M&S's popularity has been soaring recently, and it they probably weren't as well known when they booked the place; they were probably expecting a smaller audience. Anyhow, the opening band was an Australian band called The Middle East. I had heard a song or two from them before on Pandora when M&S's station was playing. I liked one or two songs... but overall, I would liken their sound to interpretive dancing... Full of meaning and emotion, but kind of all over the place, in a lamenting way. M&S were AMAZING live - their passion for each song they sing is intoxicating. They also sang TWO NEW SONGS! Both of which I loved just as much, if not more, than my favorites on their original album. Needless to say, I CANNOT WAIT for the new album to come out. (Speaking of new albums, Gaslight Anthem is coming out with another one the end of this month.) I've found one of those new songs and posted it before for your pleasure.

In other news, I won my pool game last week! I haven't been practicing, though, so I don't have high hopes for tonight.


KOC said...

That was such fun times. I think they sang three new ones.

KOC said...

PS nice work tracking down that video! I LOVE THIS SONG.